We have to admit that when HUD announced $315 million was awarded to help communities provide housing and support to the homeless and people in unsheltered settings at the start of February, we were a bit confused. Of the total, just over $2 million was awarded to New York. It turns out, we just had to be a little bit patient.
Before the month was out (or February 26 to be exact), HUD announced $5.6 billion in funding will “go to 1,200 communities through more than 2,400 grants to states” and other organizations across the country. “These annual formula grants provide critical funding for a wide range of activities including affordable housing, community development, and homeless assistance.”
Funds will be made available through Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), HOPWA, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and the Recovery Housing Program (RHP). New York will receive $541,252,698 as follows:
- CDBG: $318,043,716
- HOME: $140,182,508
- ESG: $27,743,018
- HOPWA: $55,283,456
(To see an Excel spreadsheet listing funding by community, click here.)
The good news continued into March. On March 21, HUD announced over $54 million was awarded to 182 fair housing organizations across the country to help end discrimination in housing and to fund second and third year Private Enforcement Initiative grantees under its Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP). Seven New York organizations received just over $3.2 million.
On March 28, HUD announced $2.8 billion in Continuum of Care (CoC) awards for thousands of U.S. local homeless service and housing programs to help homeless individuals and families move into permanent housing. In New York, 563 projects received $268,337,527 – making it second only to California in terms of total award value. (More details are available here.)
On March 29, it was announced that New York will receive American Rescue Plan funding to the tune of $100 million to connect 100,000 homes and families to affordable, high-speed internet. As reported by Leadingageny.com, “Building owners who are interested in receiving no-cost new or upgraded fiber-to-the-unit broadband equipment installations should complete the Broadband in Your Property survey. According to the State’s ConnectALL website, taking the survey is the first step for property owners to receive infrastructure upgrades.”
On April 4, the Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants application became available on grants.gov. Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans for public or assisted housing to transform neighborhoods and drive positive outcomes for families. Eligible applicants include Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), local governments, tribal entities, and nonprofits. An estimated $10 million will be awarded to about 20 recipients. The deadline to apply is June 6.
Through May 5 applications are being accepted via Enterprise Community Partners, working with NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), which have up to $10 million in funding available for the new Making Moves Program. Local governments, nonprofits, and Public Housing Authorities (“PHAs”) are eligible to apply for funds to provide mobility counseling services and assist Section 8 families in moving to well-resourced areas with high performing schools and more economic opportunity. To apply, visit New York State Making Moves Program RFP | Enterprise Community Partners.
As additional opportunities become available, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, to be in the best position to understand Federal and State strategies and programs, and align your plans accordingly, take some time getting to know:
- All In: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, which sets a national goal to reduce homelessness 25 percent by 2025 and end homelessness over the longer term.
- FY 2023 New York Executive Budget Briefing Book Areas of particular interest may include Economic Development, Human Resources, and Technology.
While you’re developing your own plans and possibly seeking funds to drive progress, remember that RBT CPAs is here to help with all of your accounting, tax, audit, and advisory services needs. We’ve been serving businesses, non-profits, municipalities and more in the Hudson Valley and beyond for over 50 years. Give us a call to learn what we can do for you, so you’re freed up to do what really makes an impact on your clients, neighborhoods, and communities.