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Government Procurement Challenges, Priorities & Trends

Government Procurement Challenges, Priorities & Trends

Last updated on September 20th, 2024Procurement is in the spotlight on global, federal, state, and local stages. Driven by rising costs, supply chain fragility, the beyond-fast evolution of technology, social and environmental concerns, ever-changing legislation, staffing challenges, and more, all levels of government are being challenged like never before to
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What Municipalities Can Do to Prepare for the 2025 Budget Season

What Municipalities Can Do to Prepare for the 2025 Budget Season

With budget season around the corner, the following are some strategies and changes you may want to consider. Rethinking How You Budget While line-item budgets for municipalities served their purpose for a long time, in 2022 the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and the
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What’s Next for EMS in New York?

What’s Next for EMS in New York?

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024New York State appears to be stepping up to get a grasp on the EMS crisis and plotting a potential course for what’s next. Across the nation, EMS is in crisis. Response times are longer. More workers are leaving the field than entering it, with
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Keeping Up with Evolving Cybersecurity Plans and Resources

Keeping Up with Evolving Cybersecurity Plans and Resources

While Federal and New York state cybersecurity efforts have made huge strides over the past several years, a report issued by the New York State Comptroller last October indicated cyberattacks are continuing at alarming rates, with attacks on critical infrastructure in New York almost doubling in the first half of
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What’s the latest on AI regulations in New York?

What’s the latest on AI regulations in New York?

Last updated on May 3rd, 2024In the absence of Federal legislation governing AI, states are taking it upon themselves to try to get ahead of, or at least keep up with, its development and use. New York is among the forerunners, with legislation already adopted for state agencies and more
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Touching Base on the SLFRF: Are You Up to Date?

Touching Base on the SLFRF: Are You Up to Date?

In the blink of an eye, key State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) deadlines are approaching. SLFRF recipients have until December 2024 to obligate SLFRF allocations and until December 2026 (September 30, 2026 for Surface Transportation and Title 1 projects) to spend them. In the meantime, the annual reporting deadline
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Update on Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund to Help Communities Adapt to Climate Change

Update on Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund to Help Communities Adapt to Climate Change

Since 2021, we’ve been hearing about Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), a program designed to help communities address vulnerabilities to natural hazards and disasters attributed to climate change. Eligible communities in New York may benefit from the program starting later this year. From February to April of 2023, states,
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Update on GASB Proposal: Disclosure and Classification of Certain Capital Assets

Update on GASB Proposal: Disclosure and Classification of Certain Capital Assets

Last updated on January 25th, 2024Last September, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued a proposal to require certain types of capital assets be disclosed separately for purposes of note disclosures and certain assets to be classified as “held for sale.” Stakeholders have been reviewing the proposal and comments were
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Map of Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs)

  • Move map to NY and scroll to zoom in
  • Under Map Options select “Color QCR Qualified Tracts”