Employee Business Expenses: Know Your Options and Responsibilities

Employee Business Expenses: Know Your Options and Responsibilities

As a general contractor, you likely have multiple employees at multiple worksites incurring expenses related to meals, communications, travel, accommodations, and more. It’s important to understand your responsibilities and tax-related options for these expenses, and how they impact employees.

In general, you can handle expenses using an accountable plan and/or a non-accountable plan.

With an accountable plan, reimbursement for eligible expenses is not treated as part of payroll, so they aren’t taxable for you or your employees. What’s more, you get to deduct payments made to employees as a business expense (meal expenses are subject to the 50% limit). To qualify, an accountable plan must meet all of these criteria:

  • Exist to reimburse employees for allowable business expenses paid or incurred in their performance of services as employees;
  • Clearly identify plan payments;
  • Require any expense being reimbursed to be substantiated with information about the amount, time, place, and purpose of the expense; and
  • Require employees to return any portion of an allowance for days or miles of travel not substantiated within a reasonable time.

An accountable plan allows you to reimburse eligible expenses directly, per diem (at or below rates set by the U.S. General Services Administration each fiscal year – otherwise, amounts above those rates are treated as taxable income – and only for certain types of expenses), or with company assets.

If the arrangement does not meet all of the accountable plan criteria, it is considered a non-accountable plan. In this case, you provide a flat dollar allowance for expenses. Employees do not have to account for how the allowance is used (so no expense accounts or receipts are required). Sounds simple, but there are trade-offs.

The allowance is considered part of compensation. You can deduct it as part of payroll, but you are also on the line for withholding and FICA taxes. What’s more, any pay-related coverage like workers’ compensation insurance may cost more to reflect the additional “pay.” For employees, the allowance is considered taxable income and appears on their W-2s. Through 2025, employees cannot deduct any of these expenses on their personal income tax returns.

Important Note! You can no longer claim any miscellaneous itemized deductions that are subject to the 2%-of-AGI limitation, including unreimbursed employee expenses.

In addition to understanding the different types of business expense reimbursement plans, it’s important to know that there are a lot of rules for different types of expenses. Take mileage, for example. Not all miles for work-related travel are reimbursable. Instead, eligibility depends on whether work is at a regular workplace (a place where an employee performs work for longer than a year); a temporary workplace (work is expected to be performed for a year or less); an indefinite workplace (work is expected to take more than a year); or multiple locations.

Mileage is considered an eligible business expense for:

  • Travel from an employee’s regular work location to a temporary work location
  • Travel from home to a temporary work location if the employee has a regular work location
  • Travel between multiple work locations

Mileage is not considered an eligible business expense for:

  • Travel between an employee’s home and regular work location
  • Travel from home to a temporary work location if the employee has no regular work location (unless travel is outside of the normal work area)

If a company-owned vehicle is provided for travel, a whole other set of considerations apply. There are also several layers of rules for the reimbursement and tax treatment of lodging and fringe benefits.

One closing thought – having the right software solution (i.e., Expensify, Docyt, and Navan) to help your employees track and submit receipts and expenses is critical. Without proper documentation, an income tax or workers’ compensation audit may lead to the identification of expense reimbursements as additional employee compensation.

Your current and future business plans and goals play an important role in determining how to handle employee expenses. RBT CPAs business advisory and tax professionals are available to work with you to evaluate your options and determine the best strategy for your business and employees. Let us know if you want to get the process started and see how we can be Remarkably Better Together.


RBT CPAs is proud to say 100% of its work is prepared in America. Our company does not offshore work, so you always know who is handling your confidential financial data.

Navigating the Maturing $400 Billion Loan Wave: A Guide for Commercial Real Estate Owners

Navigating the Maturing $400 Billion Loan Wave: A Guide for Commercial Real Estate Owners

The commercial real estate sector is approaching a critical juncture with approximately $400 billion in loans set to mature. This situation is further intensified by the persistence of high interest rates. As a commercial real estate owner, it is crucial to anticipate what’s next and take proactive steps to manage risks and leverage opportunities. Consider the following…

  1. Determine how the maturation of loans will impact your financial status and plans. Depending on the terms of your loan, you may need to pay a significant amount when the loan matures. Discuss with your banker about your repayment options and any potential for refinancing.
  2. Anticipate what is going to happen with interest rates. High rates may increase your repayments, leading to financial strain. Your banker should provide clarity on current rates, the bank’s forecast on how they might change, and how these changes could impact your loan repayment schedule.
  3. In a high-interest environment, paying off a loan early can save considerable money. However, some loans come with prepayment penalties, making early repayment less beneficial. Ask your banker about the possibility of these penalties and consider this in your financial planning.
  4. Explore refinancing. With impending loan maturities, it is prudent to lock in a new loan at a favorable rate before interest rates climb any higher. Refinancing can provide the much-needed capital for property improvements, debt consolidation, or to fund new investments. However, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the potential savings against the costs of refinancing to determine the feasibility.
  5. It’s an opportune time to review your property portfolio. Consider selling non-core assets and investing in properties with higher yields. While selling can be a tough decision, especially in a high-interest rate environment, the liquidity provided can help reduce the risk of default on maturing loans. It also allows you to reallocate resources to more profitable ventures.
  6. Consider deleveraging. When interest rates are high, it becomes costly to service debt. Reducing the debt in your portfolio can increase your equity, making your investment less risky. It’s crucial to weigh the benefits of deleveraging against the potential returns from maintaining a higher debt level.
  7. Building relationships with multiple lenders can provide additional financing options. Diversifying your lending relationships can provide flexibility in negotiating terms and may enhance your ability to secure financing at favorable rates.
  8. Focus on improving property performance. High occupancy rates and rental income can increase the value of your property and its attractiveness to lenders. Investment in property improvements can attract quality tenants, ensuring a reliable income stream.

The maturing of $400 billion in loans amidst a high-interest rate environment presents both challenges and opportunities for commercial real estate owners. Timely refinancing, portfolio review, deleveraging, diversifying lending relationships, and enhancing property performance are strategic moves that can help navigate this landscape.

Remember, every financial decision has its risks and rewards. It is advisable to seek professional advice before making significant financial decisions. Proper planning and strategic action can help ensure the sustainability of your commercial real estate portfolio amidst these market conditions.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your RBT CPAs client manager. Our experts are also available to help with your accounting, audit, tax, and business advisory needs throughout the year. Give us a call to learn more.


RBT CPAs is proud to say 100% of its work is prepared in America. Our company does not offshore work, so you always know who is handling your confidential financial data.

Are You Maximizing Commercial Real Estate Tax Advantages?

Are You Maximizing Commercial Real Estate Tax Advantages?

Whether you currently own commercial real estate or are considering whether to jump into the market, of the many pros and cons you evaluate, don’t forget to take a look at related tax and investment benefits. Here are a couple that stand out:

Depreciation deductions on income taxes.

As a physical asset that will wear down over time, CRE investors can deduct a defined amount from income taxes each year for depreciation. Residential buildings can be depreciated over 27.5 years, while commercial buildings can be depreciated over 39 years. So, if you buy a commercial building for let’s say $5 million, your income taxes can be reduced by $128,000 each year for depreciation.

If you want larger depreciation deductions over a shorter period of time, you can do that, too, by engaging an engineering firm to conduct a cost depreciation study to identify parts of the property that can be depreciated in less time.

Again, going back to the commercial building you buy for $5 million, let’s say the cost depreciation study identifies $1 million in parts that can be depreciated in 10 years rather than 39. You’ll be able to pay a $100,000 depreciation deduction each of the first 10 years you own the property. Between this portion of the deduction plus depreciation deductions for the rest of the property, for the first 10 years your depreciation deductions will equal about $202,000. That amount goes down to $102,000 for each of the remaining 29 years.

Bonus depreciation.

With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, there is bonus depreciation to qualified improvement property put in service before year-end. Up through 2022, the bonus depreciation was up to 100% of a property’s value the year the property was placed in service. The bonus depreciation is phasing out, dropping to 80% in 2023; 60% in 2024; 40% in 2025; 20% in 2026; and 0% in 2027.

1031 exchange.

This allows you to defer capital gains taxes if you exchange one property for a “like-kind” commercial property in a defined period of time. The new property must be worth the same or more than the first property. After the new property is sold, capital gains taxes are due in full (unless you want to do yet another 1031 exchange, which will defer those taxes even longer).


Diversification is a strategy investors take to manage risk and minimize losses. By diversifying or spreading investments across several different options (i.e., CDs, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, etc.), you hope that if one tanks the others will make up for it. Unlike traditional investment options which typically have a similar reaction during recessionary times, there is another one that may help stabilize a portfolio: CRE. While there are no guarantees against losses, diversifying into CRE may help minimize risk.

Inflation hedge.

One way to protect your investment against a decrease in the purchasing power of your money is to “hedge” against “inflation.” Typically, when inflation rises, so do property values and rents; in turn, real estate returns go up.

There are other deductions associated with CRE investments, including transportation costs, employee wages, professional fees, contractor costs, and more. If you take a business loan to buy a CRE, you may also be able to take a 30% deduction on taxable income for equipment, technology, building repairs and materials, and renovations.

To ensure you take advantage of all the deductions that may be available to you as a CRE owner, make sure to work with a tax professional, like the ones you’ll find at RBT CPAs. We believe we succeed when we help our clients succeed. Want to learn more? Give us a call.


NOTE: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed to be advice or direction. If you are interested in learning more about purchasing CRE as an investment, be sure to speak with a CRE realtor and attorney.

RBT CPAs is proud to say all of our work is prepared in the U.S.A. – we never offshore. As a result, you get peace of mind that your operation’s financial and confidential information is handled by full-time, local staff who have met our high standards for quality, ethics, and professionalism.

New Resources Available to Build Up Immunity to Cyber Attacks

New Resources Available to Build Up Immunity to Cyber Attacks

Recently, a number of new and updated tools and projects have been launched by a variety of sources to help protect healthcare environments from cybercrime, and they couldn’t have come at a better time. According to one source, the number of security breaches appear to be slowing but the number of records impacted are increasing, indicating cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated. (Vogel, Susanna. Scale of healthcare cyberattacks increase as criminals change tactics, report finds. August 22, 2023. Healthcaredive.com.)

Sharing learnings from cybersecurity firm Critical Insight’s 2023 Healthcare Data Cyber Breach Report,  HealthCare Dive notes,  “This year, 40 million people have been impacted by healthcare data breaches…Cyber attackers are now targeting vulnerable points in the supply chain, specifically the business associates or third-party companies that offer services to healthcare organizations.”

Just as criminals are getting smarter, so are the many organizations protecting health care practices, businesses and institutions and their patients. In recent weeks:

  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched DIGIHEALS to protect healthcare’s electronic infrastructure. Proposals are being sought for proven technologies that can apply to health systems, care facilities, and health devices.
  • An updated version of the Health Industry Cybersecurity Information Sharing Best Practices Guide (HIC-ISBP) – a compliment to the recently updated Matrix of Information Sharing Organizations – was released to help healthcare organizations create and maintain an information sharing program for cybersecurity threats. (McKeon, Jill. HSCC Releases Updated Guidance on Information Sharing Best Practices. August 24, 2023. com.)
  • Beckers’ Hospital Review provided a list of over 100 healthcare security companies helping to protect from data loss, promote smooth operations, and safeguard patient information. (Falvey, Anna and Talian, Brendan. 121 Healthcare Cybersecurity Companies to Know. August 3, 2023. com.)

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 405(d) Program released new tools to help bolster healthcare cybersecurity, including Knowledge on Demand (free training to improve cybersecurity awareness); Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP) 2023 Edition (a publication outlining risks, best practices, and suggested standards); and Hospital Cyber Resiliency Initiative Landscape Analysis (a report on cybersecurity preparedness and hospital benchmarking).

In addition, the American Medical Association has created a “toolkit” of sorts, providing numerous resources for addressing cybercrime all in one place.

As your organization/practice determines its next steps for cybersecurity, you can count on RBT CPAs to handle your accounting, audit, tax, and advisory needs. We believe we succeed when we help our clients succeed. To learn more, give us a call.


RBT CPAs is proud to say all of our work is prepared in the U.S.A. – we never offshore. As a result, you get peace of mind that your operation’s financial and confidential information is handled by full-time, local staff who have met our high standards for quality, ethics, and professionalism.